Getting Started at Yale

Surviving Course Selection Period

Create a calm and reasoned plan for course selection period that lets you start your semester out right.

Starting Smart

Learn how to focus your academic efforts from your very first class.

Academic Resources

At Yale, faculty expect students to take advantage of resources outside of the classroom. Learn how these help Yale students get it all done.

Managing Your Finances

Less stress about money means more time for your studies! Discover a balanced approach to earning and saving money as a Yale student.

Planning for Time Zone Changes

Living in a different time zone can present real challenges for students starting the school year online. Organizing your schedule and thinking purposefully about how to manage time differences can be a real help.

College Transition for Students with Learning Differences or Disabilities

Learn about the resources available to students as you adjust your learning strategies for college-level work. Don't forget to contact to be connected with a learning specialist.

For First Years

Own Your Education

Create the mindsets that will lead you to be happy and satisfied with your Yale education.

Set Your Priorities

Curate your academic, extracurricular, professional, and personal interests.

Get Organized

Learn how to purposefully prepare for the semester.

Build Your Team

Create a network within the Yale community to help you discover and achieve your goals.

Find Your Communities

Find your friends and mentors for the social and emotional support you need to thrive at Yale.

Using the Syllabus

The syllabus is the key to understanding each course; learn how to make the most of it.

Office Hours

Learn why attending office hours can be central to your academic success.

STEM Problem Sets

Learn how college p-sets are different than high school homework and the best practices to get them done.

Writing Essays

Discover key approaches to writing successful college-level essays.

Best Practices for Midterms and Finals

Learn strategies for succeeding on exams.